Life is made up of pieces that create a whole pictured mosaic. But it is in those mosaic pieces that we can not only lose sight of the Picture but of the Person crafting those pieces with a purpose. Oh may we not stare at the "random" pieces of mix matched colors, circumstances, and changes. However, may we gaze deep into Peace not at the piece. The Word says He Himself is our peace. Eph 2:14 I cherish that peace is not an emotional state that is rocked as a ship by storm swells or silent streams, but that PEACE is a breathing living Person looking upon me, as He crafts and orders my pieces. Our pieces are held. Our pieces are not random. Our pieces are making a whole artistic expression of Christ Likeness. For just as it pleased the Father to "crush" the Son in Is 53, so does it please Him to permit pieces in our life. It is those pieces that can usher in either a horizontal perspective away from Him and onto the puzzling piece or vertical perspective that can propel our perspective upward. He is in control. He is Peace in the piece. Life may be puzzling and pieced a part without wholeness sometimes, but we can invite our gaze upward into His sovereign pattern and know that He Himself is our Peace. Our pieces are patterned. Our pieces are planned. Our God is our Peace in the pieces. So then therefore in the midst of pieces truly we can say, " I am not anxious about anything for in everything I present my request and my puzzlement to Him in gratitude, knowing that His peace, His person-hood, transcends my understanding of these pieces. I rest in His peace not my piece. Phil 4:5-6
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